We accept the Bible and the Bible alone, as the inspired and infallible word of God. It is our standard & authority for life. We are convinced that the Bible is God’s love letter to all humanity and respond to it accordingly.
We believe that Jesus is the Son of the only living God. That He alone is able to bridge the gulf that exists between us and God. We are convinced that He is God and became the ultimate expression of His love for each of us when He took human form, lived among us, died in our place, and conquered the power of sin and death.
We believe in the present reality of the Holy Spirit. We believe that He lives within each believer to comfort, strengthen, mark as a child of God, and work with us as we seek to live like Jesus. That through Him each believer is gifted and equipped to minister within the church. That He is co-equal with God and serves to empower each believer to live a victorious life in Jesus.
We believe that salvation is offered fully and freely through Jesus to all who believe and obey. This salvation is offered because of God’s love for us, and that all humanity stands in need of this great gift.
We believe the Bible teaches the essential nature of baptism for those who would be followers of Jesus. That baptism is by immersing the believer in water to join them with Jesus in a death to their old life and usher them into a new life completely clothed with Him.
We believe in the importance of the “Lord’s Supper” and encourage anyone who loves Jesus to participate as He invites them to come. We believe that it is a spiritual feast that reminds us both of what Jesus did and will do for those who love and are following Him.
We believe that the church is to be about the task of fully connecting people with Jesus, each other, and building bridges to help our world draw closer to Him. We will fully engage in this task until Jesus returns to take us home forever!
We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning that is sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in His Word. We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (cf. Gen. 2:24; Heb. 13:4)
We believe in the sanctity of all human life, and that all human life begins at conception. (cf. Ps. 139: 13 – 16)
We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual, even if they disagree with us in these matters, are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture or the teaching of the church. (cf. Eph. 4: 29 – 32)
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